
Zestras’ Net


What payments do you accept?

Crypto, CashApp, PayPal, Venmo, Credit/Debit Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Bank Transfer, Klarna, iDEAL, Bancontact, UnionPay, Shop Pay.

Why is there a 20% fee on CashApp / Card payments?

Because we pay our holders a fee to hold the money we receive, the fee also covers website maintence costs.

I paid using Crypto on your website, but I still haven't received my product?

Crypto payments take a few minutes to be processed. The amount of time depends on the cryptocurrency network and how congested it is (how much traffic is on the network). The common time is around 5 - 30 minutes for 1 confirmation. So wait about 5 - 30 minutes for your product. On rare occasions, payment process times can be up to 24h if the Crypto network is loaded with traffic. It all really depends on how much you pay in Crypto fee, if you pay with a prioritized fee (a larger fee) then the payment will be completed much quicker and you will receive the goods much quicker. Low fee = long product delivery. Please keep track on your Crypto payment and it's confirmations process through your Crypto wallet.

I have not received my Social Media Service?

Social media boosts can take up to 36h to start if we are loaded with orders, if the time surpasses these 36h then please contact support.

How do I link my CoD account?

Due to activision's most recent security measurements, linking your product might require a few extra steps. If the platform you want to link to is already linked, then there's no way to link it. However, if it's not linked to the platform you want to use the account on, lets say blizzard, then simply just launch the game with an empty/fresh blizzard account and sign in through the game, it will link the account automatically to the fresh blizzard you launched from, this is the same process for any other platform.

Why are some products labeled as "on order"?

Products labeled under "on order" are most likely game accounts that do frequent banwaves or products that have a third party supplier with a specific custom order ToS. Due to this, none of these products are pre-stocked, this is to ensure product quality and make warranty eligible for the buyer.

What does "playtime" stand for on the MW3 Aged Accounts?

Playtime simply stands for how much someone has played on the account stats wise. The higher the playtime is, the more likely it is that the account is higher level / more stacked.


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